Rob Stewart
Rob Stewart

Rob Stewart has lived in Swansea all his life and was educated at Morriston Comprehensive School before going on to study at Tycoch College and Swansea University. Rob Stewart is currently a Labour Councillor representing Morriston Ward, a Ward he has represented since 2003. Following the local elections in 2012, Rob was appointed as Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources in the new Labour administration, before becoming Leader of the Council in September 2014. In 2017 Rob was re-elected as Leader and holds the Cabinet portfolio for Economy and Strategy. Rob is the Deputy Leader of the WLGA and WLGA spokesperson for Economic Development, Europe (Brexit) and Energy. Rob led the team to secure the Swansea Bay City Deal and has been elected as Chair of Swansea Bay City Region Joint Committee to deliver Swansea Bay City Deal. Rob is at present overseeing the delivery of the multi-million pound digital Arena scheme. Rob has significant experience working in national and regional Government, primarily as a Programme and Project Manager for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency where he led the delivery of the online Driver Licence Service and redesign of the new UK ID documents including the UK Driving Licence and National identity card for foreign nationals. Rob is also Director of Swansea Business Improvement District and has previously held the position as Director of Swansea Stadium Management Company and Swansea Bay Futures. A member of the Swansea Bay City Region where he has led on the regeneration of Swansea City Centre as well as the City Deal, Industrial Common Ownership Financial Fund (ICOFF) Decision Making Panel, Joint Council of Wales (South Wales Provisional Council), WLGA (Council & Co-Ordinating Committee) and Swansea Economic Regeneration Partnership.